Dough Press

Right Stuff Equipment has developed dough press equipment based on existing bakery customer requests. The first type is a single sheet semi automatic dough press designed to handle a single sheet pan at one time. The operator places a sheet pan into position and the press recognizes the sheet pan is in place. The operator presses dual palm switches to safely activate the adjustable pneumatic cylinder to press the dough on the sheet pan.

The second type is an automated press where the sheet pans are placed onto an infeed belt. The press automatically indexes the tray into the press position. Once the cycle is completed, the conveyor will index the finished pan out and the next empty sheet pan into the press position. Operating this machine allows a much higher throughput to be realized.

Our dough presses can be used as a pizza press or a cookie press. They can also be used to cut patterns with the inclusion of a pattern in the top press plate.

Automatic Dough Press

Semi-automatic Dough Press

Dough Press

Automatic Dough Press

Bakery Press

Auto Press Rendering

Automatic Dough Press

Duo Touch Controls

Dough Press Front Duo Touch
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